Advocates for Change
You can accept things will change over time and just do your part, or you can grab the nettle and do it. That’s what I am trying to do and I am most proud that we have gone from a sedentary place to a place where momentum is unstoppable.
Lieutenant General David Morrison AO (Rtd), Australian Army
In September 2016, Bar Council approved a redesign for the Advocates for Change program. The Advocates for Change program now has two main purposes:
- To provide role models who, through the example of what they do and say in their professional lives as barristers, represent the full width of diversity and inclusion that the NSW Bar Association wishes to promote at the Bar; and
- Require that those designated as an Advocate for Change should be asked to undertake particular tasks within their role as Advocates for Change.
The Advocates for Change program is no longer limited to issues of gender diversity but also now includes attributes such as racial background, disability, LGBTQIA+ and older practitioners.
The purpose of the Advocates for Change program is to encourage members of the bar to step up as leaders in the promotion of an inclusive profession. An inclusive profession is dependent on the creation of conditions and cultures that enable persons with varying backgrounds and attributes to thrive. Giving instructing solicitors, clients and the community access to the full talent pool is a commercial, social and economic imperative.
Current Advocates for Change
- Edward Muston SC of 7 Wentworth, advocate for gender equality
- Maria Gerace SC of Maurice Byers Chambers, advocate for cultural diversity
- Mark Seymour SC of Martin Place Chambers, advocate for LGBTQIA+ inclusivity
- Sean Docker SC of University Chambers, advocate for accessibility
Past Advocates for Change
- Andrew Pickles SC of Martin Place Chambers (2019-2022)
- Steven Finch SC of Tenth Floor Chambers (2015-2016)
- Philip Boulten SC of Forbes Chambers (2015-2016)
- Jane Needham SC of 13th Floor St James Hall (2017-2020)
- Hament Dhanji SC of Forbes Chambers (2017-2020)
- Anthony McGrath SC of Alinea Chambers (2021-2023)
- Lee-May Saw of Frederick Jordan Chambers (2021-2023)
- Dr Robert Dubler SC of 12th Floor Wentworth Selborne Chambers (2019-2024)
- Sharyn Hall SC of Samuel Griffith Chambers (2022-2024)