Before you can apply for a NSW barrister's practising certificate, you must be admitted as a lawyer of the Supreme Court of NSW or another Australian state or territory under a corresponding law. The Legal Profession Admission Board (LPAB) is the admitting authority in NSW.
New Zealand practitioners
New Zealand practitioners may apply under the Trans Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997 (Cth) for admission in the Supreme Court of NSW. This Act entitles New Zealand legal practitioners to apply for parallel recognition of qualifications which they hold in New Zealand. Once admitted as a lawyer in NSW or another Australian state or territory, please contact the Bar Association's certification officer regarding what is required to practise as a barrister in NSW.
Inter-state practitioners
A barrister whose principal place of practice is another Australian state or territory is entitled to practise in New South Wales by virtue of their practising certificate issued in their home jurisdiction.
Any interstate barrister wishing to practice in New South Wales must familiarise himself or herself with the relevant Acts and regulations to ensure they comply with local practice.
Any interstate barrister practising in New South Wales is also subject to the Legal Profession Uniform Conduct (Barristers) Rules 2015. Similarly, NSW barristers are able to practise in other Australian states and territories by virtue of their NSW practising certificate, subject to the provisions of the corresponding laws in those states and territories.
Overseas practitioners
Questions relating to recognition of overseas qualifications should be addressed to the LPAB.