Readers Rooms
This table contains a summary of information provided by each floor. To read the full response provided, please click on name of the floor. The information in the table below is current as at April 2025. If you have any queries please contact
In compiling the information contained in and accessed through this table, the NSW Bar Association has used its best endeavours to ensure that the information is correct and current at the time of publication but takes no responsibility for any error, omission or defect therein.
Chambers | Application date/s | Accommodation type | Fees | Written selection criteria | Tutor on the Floor | Contact | BPG Adoption |
11 St James Hall | 12 Months prior to commencement of BPC |
Monthly Floor Fee + Disbursements | No | preferred |
Yes |
12th Floor Selborne/Wentworth Chambers | 15+ Months prior to commencement of BPC |
Disbursements | No | yes |
Yes |
13 Wentworth Chambers | Other |
Available on application | No | preferred |
No |
13th Floor St James Hall | Applications are considered at any time |
Monthly floor fee | No | yes |
Yes |
153 Phillip | Applications are considered at any time |
Available on application | No | yes |
Yes |
2 Selborne | Applications are considered at any time |
Available on application | No | yes |
Yes |
4 Wentworth Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Disbursements | No | preferred |
Yes |
5 Selborne | 15+ Months prior to commencement of BPC |
Disbursements | No | yes |
Yes |
5 Wentworth Chambers | 15+ Months prior to commencement of BPC |
Disbursements | No | yes |
Yes |
6 St James Hall Chambers | 15+ Months prior to commencement of BPC |
Monthly floor fee | Yes | preferred |
Yes |
7 Wentworth Selborne | 15+ Months prior to commencement of BPC |
Disbursements | No | yes |
Yes |
8 Wentworth Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Disbursements | No | yes |
Yes |
8th Floor Garfield Barwick Chambers | 12 Months prior to commencement of BPC |
Monthly floor fee | No | preferred |
No |
8th Floor Selborne Chambers | 15+ Months prior to commencement of BPC |
Available on application | No | yes |
Yes |
9th Floor Wentworth Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Disbursements | Yes | yes |
Yes |
Alinea Chambers | 15+ Months prior to commencement of BPC |
Disbursements | No | preferred |
Yes |
Arthur Phillip Chambers Barristers, Arbitrators and Mediators | Applications are considered at any time |
Monthly floor fee | No | yes |
Yes |
Banco Chambers | 15+ Months prior to commencement of BPC |
Disbursements | No | yes |
Yes |
Black Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Reduced Monthly floor fee + disbursements | No | preferred |
Yes |
Chalfont Chambers | 6 Months prior to commencement of BPC |
Monthly floor fee | Yes | yes |
No |
Denman Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Monthly floor fee | Yes | preferred |
Yes |
Edmund Barton Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Available on application | Yes | yes |
Yes |
Eighth Floor Windeyer Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Reduced monthly floor fees and disbursements | No | preferred |
No |
Eleven Wentworth | 12 Months prior to commencement of BPC |
Disbursements | No | preferred |
Yes |
Eleventh Floor Garfield Barwick | Applications are considered at any time |
Monthly floor fee | No | preferred |
Yes |
Elizabeth Street Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Monthly floor fee | No | preferred |
No |
Fifth Floor St James Hall | 15+ Months prior to commencement of BPC |
Disbursements | No | preferred |
Yes |
Forbes Chambers | 15+ Months prior to commencement of BPC |
Monthly floor fee and disbursements | No | preferred |
Yes |
Fourth Floor Selborne Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Disbursements | No | yes |
Yes |
Frederick Jordan Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Monthly floor fee | No | yes |
No |
Greenway Chambers | 15+ Months prior to commencement of BPC |
Disbursements | Yes | yes |
Yes |
Ground Floor Wentworth Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Disbursements | Yes | yes |
Yes |
Henry Parkes Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Monthly floor fee | Yes | no |
Yes |
Jack Shand Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Available on application | No | yes |
Yes |
Kaloola Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Disbursements | No | yes |
No |
Lachlan Macquarie Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Available on application | No | preferred |
Yes |
Level 22 Chambers | 15+ Months prior to commencement of BPC |
Disbursements | No | preferred |
Yes |
Lismore Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Available on application | No | preferred |
No |
Martin Place Chambers | 12 Months prior to commencement of BPC |
Monthly Floor Fees and Disbursements | No | yes |
Yes |
Maurice Byers Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Reduced monthly floor fee + disbursements | No | yes |
Yes |
New Chambers | 15+ Months prior to commencement of BPC |
Disbursements | No | yes |
Yes |
Nigel Bowen Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Monthly floor fee $550 plus GST and disbursements | No | yes |
Yes |
Ninth Floor Selborne Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Disbursements | No | preferred |
Yes |
Ninth Floor Windeyer Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Disbursements | No | yes |
No |
P G Hely Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Disbursements | No | preferred |
No |
Samuel Griffith Chambers | 12 Months prior to commencement of BPC |
Disbursements | No | preferred |
Yes |
Seventh Floor Garfield Barwick Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Monthly floor fee | No | preferred |
Yes |
Sir Anthony Mason Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Monthly floor fee | No | yes |
Yes |
Sir James Martin Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Disbursements | No | yes |
Yes |
Sir Owen Dixon Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Monthly floor fee | No | yes |
Yes |
Sixth Floor Selborne/Wentworth Chambers | Other |
Disbursements | No | yes |
Yes |
Sixth Floor Windeyer Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Concessional Floor Fees | No | preferred |
Yes |
State Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Monthly floor fee | No | yes |
No |
Tenth Floor Selborne/Wentworth Chambers | 15+ Months prior to commencement of BPC |
Disbursements | No | yes |
Yes |
Tenth Floor St James Hall Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Available on application | No | yes |
No |
Third Floor St James' Hall | Applications are considered at any time |
Available on application | No | yes |
Yes |
Third Floor Wentworth Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Monthly floor fee | No | preferred |
No |
Trust Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Monthly floor fee | No | preferred |
Yes |
Two Wentworth | Applications are considered at any time |
Reduced monthly floor fee and disbursements | Yes | preferred |
Yes |
University Chambers | Other |
Disbursements | No | yes |
Yes |
Waratah Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Monthly floor fee | No | yes |
Yes |
Wardell Chambers | Applications are considered at any time |
Monthly floor fee | No | yes |
Yes |