Are your cases traumatising you?

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Many barristers regularly deal in their professional lives with distressing subject-matter: murder, sexual assault, catastrophic injuries, mental illness, the abuse of children and more. Vicarious trauma (also known as secondary post-traumatic stress) is a phenomenon which is now well-recognised as affecting members of the legal profession.  On **Tuesday, 4 May 2021** at 5.15pm the Bar Association's Wellbeing Committee will host a Zoom seminar on identifying, mitigating and managing vicarious trauma. Presenters will include Robyn Bradey, an accredited mental health social worker, and a member of the BarCare panel of specialists. 
The session will be held as a Zoom meeting. Participants will have the option to turn on their mic and video. Participants screen name will be visible to all attending.


CPD Points 1
Date & Times Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at 5:15pm - 6:15pm
CPD Strand Practice Management and Business Skills
Committee wellbeing_committee

Zoom Meeting

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