Succession Litigation in the 21st Century - Time, money, evidence and experts

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Justice Ward concludes our series with an appreciation of the conduct of succession litigation in the 21st century. Her unique experience as a solicitor, trial judge, appeal judge and Chief Judge of the Equity Division allows her to authoritatively comment on the manner in which judges judge and practitioners practice the dark arts of litigation. Are there too many experts? Do the judges take any notice? Are the costs out of control?  Come to the fireside chat and watch sparks fly!


  • The Hon Justice Ward, Chief Judge in Equity


  • Lindsay Ellison SC

This is the final session in a seven-part discussion series titled “The Judges Talk - Succession and Elders Law” hosted by the NSW Bar Association's Succession and Elder Law Committee.


CPD Points 1.5
Date & Times Wednesday, April 27, 2022 at 5:15pm - 6:45pm
CPD Strand
Committee other

Online via Zoom Webinar

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