The Evidentiary Position of Recorded Conversations in Family Law Proceedings

24 November 2020 at 5:15pm

It is unsurprising given audio/visual recording capability now being available on most mobile telephones that the courts exercising family law jurisdiction are frequently confronted with parties seeking to rely upon such evidence at trials or interim hearings, or that at a preliminary stage, Counsel are asked to advise whether such evidence can be relied upon. This seminar will look at the evidentiary position of such recordings in the context of courts exercising jurisdiction under the Family Law Act 1975.


  • Michael Weightman, Barrister, Newcastle Chambers and member of the New South Wales Bar Association’s Family Law Committee


  • Michael Kearney SC, Barrister, Waratah Chambers and Chair of the New South Wales Bar Association’s Family Law Committee

The seminar has been organised by the Family Law Committee of the NSW Bar Association. 


CPD Points 1.5
Date & Times Tuesday, November 24, 2020 at 5:15pm - 6:30pm
CPD Strand Substantive Law, Practice and Procedure, and Evidence
Committee family_law_committee

Online via Zoom Webinar

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