New South Wales Bar Association Vaccination Policy

The Bar Council has approved a New South Wales Bar Association Vaccination Policy.

The Policy applies to all employees and contractors of the New South Wales Bar Association (the Association) and all visitors (including members) to the Association’s premises which includes the reception and office area, the Common Room and the Bar Library.

The purpose of the Policy is to summarise the obligations of all staff, contractors and visitors (including members) who attend the Association’s premises with respect to managing the risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Association requires its employees and contractors to be fully vaccinated against COVID‐19, unless they have been granted a medical exemption. The Association also requires all visitors (including members) who wish to enter the Association’s premises to be fully vaccinated against COVID‐19, unless they have been granted a medical exemption.

The goal of the policy is to protect employees, contractors, members and other visitors, including their family members and the broader community, from infection and to assist the Association with managing the spread of COVID‐19.

Members are advised that they will be required to display proof of vaccination to gain entry to the Association’s premises and are requested to exercise courtesy and patience when requested by Association staff to provide a vaccination certificate.

The New South Wales Bar Association Vaccination Policy is available here