Cancellation of 2020 Bench and Bar Dinner

COVID-19 / A message from President Tim Game SC
Regrettably with the statement by the Prime Minister on 15 March that prohibits a public event at which there are, or are likely to be, 500 persons or more in attendance and the subsequent Order made under section 7 of the Public Health Act 2010 (NSW) (available here) giving effect to this announcement, it has become necessary to cancel the Bench and Bar Dinner for 2020.
I know this will be disappointing for all those who purchased tickets. The Association will commence issuing refunds under the terms on which the tickets were sold in the coming days. I ask you all to be patient with the Association’s staff as they work through the refund process as they are currently handling many issues that have arisen in managing the current threat from COVID-19.
The Association will continue to monitor developments, and if there is a realistic possibility of rescheduling the Bench and Bar Dinner later in the year we will use our best endeavours to do so.
Tim Game SC
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