Notification to the court and parties of need to self-isolate

COVID-19: A message from President Tim Game SC
There have been enquiries from members in relation to what steps they should take if they have symptoms that might be COVID-19 or are required to self-isolate and need to seek an adjournment or other order from the court. If a member is experiencing such symptoms or falls into a category requiring them to self-isolate at home then they are not required and should not attend court to seek an adjournment of any matter that they are involved in. They should notify the court, instructing solicitors and other relevant parties of their circumstances.
At the time of writing the relevant NSW Government factsheets can found at the following links:
If you have had close contact with a person who has been diagnosed with a COVID-19 infection
If you have had casual contact with someone who has been diagnosed with a COVID-19 infection
Tim Game SC President
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