Federal Court's response to COVID-19

COVID-19: A message from President Tim Game SC
The Bar Association has just been informed that the Federal Court of Australia has this afternoon released a statement indicating that all listings that require in person attendance, including mediations and listings relying on video link from court premises listed up until 30 June 2020, are vacated. The new arrangements will commence tomorrow 18 March 2020.
View the statement
The Bar Association has also received a letter from the Chief Justice providing a further explanation for this announcement. That letter can be found here. In short the statement read with the letter is not saying there is a final adjournment or vacation of all cases up to 30 June 2020. The Court is working swiftly to put in place reliable video conferencing facilities to allow matters to go ahead. The intent is to keep the court open and to avoid it having to close for cleaning like that which occurred at the Lionel Bowen Building today. The adjournment of matters will allow the court to swiftly put in the place the necessary systems. We will keep you informed of developments.
Tim Game SC
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