Courts not affected by restrictions on gatherings


COVID-19: A message from President Tim Game SC

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has today released a statement advising that non-essential indoor gatherings of greater than 100 people (including staff) will no longer be permitted from Wednesday 18 March 2020. However the statement makes it clear that certain essential gatherings, most relevantly including courts, tribunals and places of custody, will not be affected by the prohibition.

Second, in a discussion with the Chief Justice of NSW this afternoon I communicated that, subject to health guidelines being observed, the NSW Bar supports keeping the courts open to the greatest extent possible, and with the parties present in accordance with the Supreme Court’s published statements, guidelines and amended practice notes which are publicly available .

Third, late this afternoon the Federal Court of Australia issued a further update. Importantly, it follows from this announcement that members who have matters listed in the Federal Court should contact the Court as to what steps need to be taken to progress their matter. Members should not make any assumptions regarding their case without this contact being made.

Fourth, I would bring to your attention the Chief Magistrate’s memorandum that was published this afternoon updating procedures in the Local Court which can be found here.

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