Responding to Sexual Harassment at the Bar – FAQs

President’s Message
The New South Wales Bar Association is committed to the elimination of sexual harassment and other unacceptable behaviour in our workplaces.
In order to assist barristers, clerks and staff in barristers’ chambers who experience sexual harassment and persons who observe such conduct, the Bar Association has produced a two part factsheet which addresses frequently asked questions regarding the law relating to sexual harassment, its application to barristers and chambers, available options to respond to instances of sexual harassment, including complaints processes, and steps that can be taken to prevent sexual harassment occurring in the workplace, among other things.
Part 1, entitled “What to do when sexual harassment occurs?” can be found here. Part 2 -“Responding to sexual harassment complaints: Barristers and Chambers” – is available here.
Online CPD presentations expanding on the content of both factsheets are also available here
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