NCAT - Christmas and New Year 2020-21 holiday arrangements

The following arrangements will apply at NCAT over the 2020-2021 Christmas and New Year holiday period.
The last hearing day in 2020 for all NCAT Divisions except for the Guardianship Division is Wednesday, 23 December 2020.
NCAT will begin to resume its usual listing/hearing arrangements as follows:
• Consumer and Commercial Division from Monday 4 January 2021;
• Guardianship Division from Monday 4 January 2021;
• Administrative & Equal Opportunity Division and Occupational Division from Monday 11 January 2021;
• Appeal Panel from Wednesday 13 January 2021.
Urgent hearings
The Guardianship Division is available to hear urgent applications over the holiday period. If you need to make an urgent application outside business hours or on a public holiday, please contact the Guardianship Division on 1300 006 228.
Other NCAT Divisions will hear urgent applications on business days over this period as required.
Registry services
NCAT Registry services will be closed on 25, 28 and 29 December 2020 and 1 January 2021.
Telephone enquiries
Telephone enquiries to 1300 006 228 will be available on all business days from 9:00am to 4:30pm.
Registry counters
NCAT's Sydney Registry located at Civic Tower, Level 14, 66 Goulburn Street will be open on all business days from 8:30am to 4:30pm during the holiday period. Counter enquiries for all NCAT Divisions can be made at Civic Tower during this period.
Please try to avoid attending NCAT in person to reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19. Learn more about NCAT's arrangements during COVID-19 here.
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