President's Message

There is no doubt that 2020 has presented unprecedented challenges for our community generally and the NSW Bar has of course not been exempt. I would like to commend the flexibility and resilience of members in dealing with the many changes to legal practice which have been necessary this year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, not least in adapting to the technological requirements of remote hearings and the social distancing protocols in force in our courts and tribunals. As the recent outbreak on the Northern Beaches has demonstrated, we are not quite out of the woods, yet 2021 is in many respects already looking more promising.
I would like to thank the previous and current Bar Councils, Executive, Committee members and the staff of the Association for their tireless efforts this year. I would also like to thank the large body of members who volunteered their time to help over the year during the midst of the crisis. In particular, I want to acknowledge the leadership of our former President Tim Game SC throughout the year.
Finally, on behalf of the NSW Bar, I would like to take this opportunity to wish members, the judiciary and staff all the best for the festive season and the New Year. Take care out there and see you in 2021!
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