Message from the President - 2021-25 Strategic Plan

I am pleased to release the new Strategic Plan for the New South Wales Bar Association and the Bar, covering the period to 2025. In the Plan we focus on four key areas central to our future development:
• Preserving the integrity, independence, ethics, service and excellence of the Bar • Supporting barristers in the conduct of their profession • Supporting barristers in the conduct of their practices • Reinforcing the Association as a representative organisation, a co-regulator, as a leader in the legal and broader communities and as an employer.
The Strategic Plan is available here.
I would like to thank all members of the last and present Bar Council, the Steering Committees and staff involved in preparing the Plan.
This Plan is based on comprehensive research and consultation that was conducted before and during the COVID-19 lockdown of 2020, and we are grateful to all those in the profession, the judiciary, governments and the broader community who committed their time to speaking with us about the future of justice and the legal system, especially the Bar.
Of course, the strategy is just the starting point and Bar Council, the Committees and the specialists at the Association are well advanced in turning these goals into business plans and concrete programs. We are also initiating mechanisms to manage and measure performance against this plan.
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