Practising Certificate Renewals 2021-2022


The period for practising certificate renewals has commenced and will run until 30 June 2021. No renewals will be accepted after 30 June 2021.

• Practising Certificate renewals will be run on the same online system as the past two years.

• Barristers will be advised of the URL access to the online renewals portal via email.

• Your login details are the same as those used to login in to the system in previous years and to access the Member Dashboard on our website; please ensure these are up to date. If you are unsure as to what your login details are, please reset these through the Member Dashboard ( or contact Reception (

• The online form will be pre-filled with your personal and practice details. Please ensure this information is up to date prior to starting your renewal.

• Please be advised that payment by cheque is no longer possible.

• All payments will be required by one of the following methods:

o Credit Card

o BPay; or

o Direct Deposit.

Further information regarding the 2021-22 practising certificate renewals process is available here.

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