Practising Certificate Renewals 2021-2022 - No renewals will be accepted after today

The period for practising certificate renewals has commenced and will run until 30 June 2021. No renewals will be accepted after 30 June 2021.
Please note that it is a requirement for the issuing of a practising certificate that Professional Indemnity Insurance be obtained. Unfortunately, the usual confirmation from PII insurers this year has not been consistent and, as the onus ultimately lies on practitioners to provide the Association with confirmation of PII insurance, members who have not had expected confirmation from the Association ought to contact their insurers so that a practising certificate can be issued.
A late fee of $30 or 10% of the relevant practising certificate fee, whichever is the higher, applies where the practising certificate renewal form and/or fee is received after 7 June 2021 and before 1 July 2021. The late fee will not apply if these steps have been taken but professional indemnity insurance has not yet been confirmed by 7 June.
• Practising Certificate renewals will be run on the same online system as the past two years.
• Barristers will be advised of the URL access to the online renewals portal via email.
• Your login details are the same as those used to login in to the system in previous years and to access the Member Dashboard on our website; please ensure these are up to date. If you are unsure as to what your login details are, please reset these through the Member Dashboard ( or contact Reception (
• The online form will be pre-filled with your personal and practice details. Please ensure this information is up to date prior to starting your renewal.
• Please be advised that payment by cheque is no longer possible.
• All payments will be required by one of the following methods:
o Credit Card
o BPay; or
o Direct Deposit.
Further information regarding the 2021-22 practising certificate renewals process is available here.
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