Understanding Coercive Control in Practice


Webinar - Tuesday 15 June 2021

The NSW Bar Association’s Diversity and Equality Committee invites members to a discussion about the most insidious and dangerous form of domestic abuse: coercive control.

Join Dr Catherine Boland, Clinical Psychologist at Relationspace, Dr Karen Williams, Consultant Psychiatrist and founder of Doctors Against Violence Towards Women and Philippa Davis, Principal Solicitor of Women’s Legal Service NSW, for a panel discussion about coercive control. This session will be chaired by Suzanne Christie SC with a focus on identifying coercive control and safely managing issues which arise when interacting with clients experiencing it.

This CPD will be of great interest to the family law Bar, however all members are encouraged to attend this CPD to deepen their understanding of how domestic abuse presents in clients. This webinar is open to NSW Bar Association members and will be run by registration only.

Numbers are limited. For further information, or to register for this event, please click here.

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