Vale the Hon Michael Brian Grove QC (1938-2021)


The Hon Michael Brian Grove QC passed away on Wednesday the 16th of June 2021.

Mr Grove QC was called to the New South Wales Bar in 1961. He was a member of 10th Floor Chambers. Mr Grove took silk in 1979 before being appointed to the Bench of the Supreme Court of New South Wales in 1985. His Honour also served as Judge Marshal RAAF, Deputy Judge Advocate General ADF, Chairman NSW Legal Aid Commission, Member NSW Medical Board, President NSW Medico-Legal Society.

Mr Grove QC was a devoted husband of Suzanne and father of Alison, Patrick (dec’d), Charmian and Nicholas. Grandfather of Caleb, Riley, Gabriella, Annaliese, Xavier, Eva, Remy and Ignatius.

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