Vale: The Hon Roger Vincent Gyles AO KC (1938-2025)

Roger Vincent Gyles AO KC passed away in the early hours of Sunday 2 March 2025. Roger was admitted to the NSW Bar in 1964 and joined Tenth Floor Chambers, reading with RJ Ellicott and TR Morling. He was appointed Queens Counsel in 1975 and was President of the NSW Bar Association from 1985 to 1987, and of the Australian Bar Association in 1986. After a series of extra-judicial roles, including as Royal Commissioner into the Building Industry between 1990 and 1992, in 1999 he was appointed as a judge of the Federal Court of Australia and subsequently as an acting Judge of Appeal in the Supreme Court of NSW. He was occasionally feared by his opponents, but was universally admired and respected by the legal profession as a true leader of the Bar and as a mentor to many young barristers. As would be expected, when called upon to serve as a judge, he excelled, and is remembered by his judicial colleagues for his industry, his wisdom and his collegiality. He has left a lasting and positive legacy on the administration of justice in this state, and on the legal profession generally.
Funeral details will be circulated when known.
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