Tonight: “Should my client accept that offer or litigate?” A novel and comprehensive methodology for valuing litigation claims and exposures

Online - Tuesday, 21 February 2023
Join presenter Hugh Stowe of 5 Wentworth Chambers, and chair John Fernon SC for a webinar this Tuesday, 21 February 2023 at 5.00pm.
A prudent party should settle if (but only if) the value of settlement exceeds the value of litigating. But without a methodology for quantifying the “value of litigating”, a party cannot reasonably make that assessment.
This seminar presents a novel, comprehensive and practical methodology for quantifying the value of litigating, as an alternative to a practitioner’s “gut feel”. It provides tools for methodically resolving the dilemma: “should my client accept the offer on the table, or litigate?”
The seminar is aimed at practitioners of all levels and mediators, and covers: - a 3-step valuation methodology for quantifying the ‘value of litigating’ 1. probability-weighted valuation of all monetary claims and exposures; 2. notionally monetising the value of non-monetary ancillary advantages and disadvantages of litigation (eg, stress, opportunity cost, reputation damage); 3. monetising the value of the risk associated with the litigation. - The critical relevance of the methodology to strategy for settlement, mediation and litigation.
Attendees are encouraged to submit questions in advance. Questions can be submitted at the time of registration or via email to
To register, please click here.
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