Appointment of new Bar Practice Course Director

The NSW Bar Association is pleased to announce the appointment, from June 2023, of Ralphed Notley, of University Chambers, as the next Bar Practice Course Director.
The Course Director is appointed by the Bar Council and works directly with the Professional Standards and Support Department of the Association and its Education Committee.
Gillian Mahony, the current Director will be responsible for the May 2023 Bar Practice Course and will assist with the transition to Ralphed.
The NSW Bar Association thanks Gillian for her firm and empathetic leadership during her eight-year tenure in the position. She has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to the education of our newest members. Every reader who has passed through the course during her time owes her a great debt of gratitude. The reputation of the Bar has not only been maintained, but enhanced, in part due to her tireless work. The Course has an enviable reputation for the quality of its instruction and emphasis on inculcating high ethical standards.
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