Donations to Katrina Dawson Foundation



Early Sunday morning, the NSW Bar Runners successfully completed the HOKA Runaway Sydney Half Marathon. Our runners were comprised of Arthur Moses SC, Cynthia Cochrane SC, Patrick Larkin SC, Dr Hugh McDermott MP, Julian Trebeck, Simon Burchett, Rebecca Wilson, Jeh Coutinho and Sarah Tiffen. Congratulations to the team for finishing a gruelling half marathon.

The NSW Bar Runners would like to thank members who have donated to the Katrina Dawson Foundation, their chosen charity. To date the funds raised exceed $10,823.69. If you have not donated, there is still time and the team encourage members to donate here.

The Katrina Dawson Foundation was set up in memory of barrister, Katrina Dawson and is about 'finding, funding and mentoring inspiring young women'. They are striving to remove barriers and create opportunities for exceptional young women to fulfil their potential. Ultimately, they aspire to build a wonderful network of Katrina Dawson Scholars and Fellows, who all know and support each other and who, individually and collectively, make the world a better place – just as Katrina did.

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