15 Bobber – 30 June - Judge Fitzsimmons SC & Judge McHugh SC


The NSW Bar Association is glad to announce that the 15 Bobber for Judge Fitzsimmons SC and Judge McHugh SC will be proceeding on Friday, 30 June 2023 within the NSWBA Common Room, entry from 5pm with speaking to start promptly at 5.15pm.

The NSWBA will proceed on the assumption that all ticket holders from 14 April 2023 DO wish to attend the event on the new date of 30 June 2023. If you had a ticket, it will be automatically valid for this new event.

If you did not previously purchase a ticket, limited spots remain and are available by clicking here.

If you do not wish to attend on 30 June 2023 event and would like a refund, please email events@nswbar.asn.au stating as such and our Events Manager will make the necessary arrangements.

Any other queries relating to the event can be forwarded via email.

If you no longer wish to receive In Brief, please notify the Bar Association's