New Barristers’ Committee Cross-examination Seminar and Workshop



The New Barristers’ Committee Cross-examination Seminar and Workshop is aimed at encouraging junior barristers to practice their cross-examination skills on each other before attending the demonstration to watch senior members of the profession cross-examine and discuss their approach to the same problem. The two-part workshop is relevant to both civil and criminal practitioners.

The first session of the New Barristers’ Committee 2019 Cross Examination Workshop was held on 21 February 2019 and is now available of CPD Online. To view the seminar please click here. The seminar conducted by Michelle Painter SC (9th floor, Selborne Chambers) and Marcus Pesman SC (Queen's Square Chambers) discussed cross-examination technique.

Part two of the Cross Examination Workshop will be held on 28 March 2019 and will include a demonstration of cross-examination technique by Tunc Ozen SC (Public Defender) and Neil Adams SC (Crown Prosecutor). The demonstration will take place in the Banco Court, Level 13, Supreme Court, starting at 5.15pm. The presiding judge will be The Honourable Justice Bellew.

For further information or to register for part two of the workshop please click here.

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