Bar FC grind out a hard fought draw

Under cloudy skies on the near perfect Domain pitch, Bar FC battled a younger and fitter side on Wednesday 26 April to pick up a point for a draw.
The opposition started quickly and John Harris in goals was busy in the first half with some textbook keeping. He was assisted by the hardworking Philips (the managers’ man of the match) who marshaled Kane and the other backs in his usual direct and efficient way.
The midfield looked great with some nice passing moves between d’Arville, Hilary Monteith, Hartford Davis and the German rookie (Johannes “Joe” Jaeger).
The second half saw Kuklik take the field and perform a sliding tackle that would have made Eric Cantona proud. Nothing like a ball and all tackle to get the blood pumping. Bar FC had some chances to steal a win with Justin Hogan Doran’s shot on goal a golden opportunity to take two more points. Alas it was not to be.
Our next game is Wednesday 3 May 2016 at 1.15 p.m. on top of the Domain Car Park. All supporters of the team and lovers of the round ball game are welcome.
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