PCO Drafting Practice Documents


The NSW Parliamentary Counsel’s Office has begun to publish documents (called drafting practice documents or DPs) on the NSW legislation website (www.legislation.nsw.gov.au) that outline some of its drafting practices and the reasons for them. Additional documents will be added in the future.

A drafting practice document expresses the official view of the NSW Parliamentary Counsel’s Office concerning the drafting practice to which it relates. An explanation of the status of, and how to use, drafting practice documents is contained in the drafting practice document entitled DP1: Using PCO drafting practice documents.

Drafting practice documents can be found on the Legislation Information (LegInfo) page of the NSW legislation website under the heading "PCO drafting practices" using this link.

It is not intended for drafting practice documents to deal with all aspects of the drafting practices of the NSW Parliamentary Counsel’s Office. They will, instead, focus on important or topical areas.

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