Join the Forbes Society


Legal history

The Francis Forbes Society for Australian Legal History aims to bring together scholars, lawyers and the general public interested in legal history. It sponsors lectures, essay competitions, research projects and a variety of seminars and discussion groups. Events to look forward to this year include the Forbes Lecture (September), to be delivered by the Hon Justice Margaret Beazley AO; the JH Plunkett Lecture, to be delivered by Mark Tedeschi QC; and Australian Legal History Tutorials. Membership runs from 1 July to 30 June. Download an application form here. Donations to the Francis Forbes Fund (donations of $2.00 or more to which are tax deductible) may be made with membership, or on a stand-alone basis with the form here.

Benefits of membership include:

  • timely notification of legal history events via circular emails sent to members from time to time;

  • receipt of the members' newsletter, The Forbes Flyer, which is published quarterly and available on the Society’s website at; and

  • opportunities to obtain discounts on publications from time to time published or arranged by the Society.

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