The First Five Years: early learning experiences

Member services and benefits
Guardian Early Learning Group invites members to join them at the Hilton Hotel Sydney for an evening with early childhood expert, Dr Elanna Yalow, as she discusses 'The First Five Years: how a child's early learning experience sets the stage for success at school and later in life'. A light dinner will be provided. The event will be held on Wednesday, 6 September 2017 at 5.30pm for 6.00pm start.
New South Wales Bar Association members and chambers staff have guaranteed access to dedicated permanent, casual or emergency childcare places at Castlereagh Street Early Learning Centre and Little Steps Early Learning Centre, 7.30 am to 6.00pm from Monday to Friday.
For further information or to book your child into care please contact Guardian Early Learning Group on 1300 025 007 or email at Please advise Guardian that you are part of the NSW Bar Association childcare scheme to take advantage of it. More information on the scheme is available on the Bar Association's website.
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