World Day Against the Death Penalty



Wednesday, 11 October 2017 will be the 15th World Day Against the Death Penalty and to mark the
occasion, Reprieve Australia invite members of the New South Wales Bar to a seminar by Parvais Jabbar MBE and Saul Lehrfreund MBE, from The Death Penalty Project, London. Be briefed on the current progress in the global anti-death penalty campaign.

The event will be held on Wednesday, 11 October at 6.00pm at the offices of Arnold Block Leibler in Level 24, Chifley Tower. RSVP to by 4 October 2017.

Reprieve Australia began in 2001 with the sole purpose to work to end the death penalty. They have sent over 100 volunteer legal interns overseas, to support under resourced lawyers. The Honourable Michael Kirby AC CMG is their patron.

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