The Future of Hong Kong: 20 Years After Handover

Of interest to members
Twenty years ago, Britain handed over the colony of Hong Kong to Mainland China. Fast forward to the present, and the relationship between the Mainland and its Special Administrative Region is becoming increasingly turbulent. Hong Kong is allegedly governed under the “One country, two systems” approach, where it is considered part of China, but has a different legal system. Yet these lines may be blurring. What does the future of the Hong Kong look like going forward? How has it changed since handover? What are the some of the most pressing challenges for its legal system, including human rights?
These questions and others will be answered by a panel of speakers at an event hosted by the Australian Institute of International Affairs (AIIA) on Thursday, 5 October 2017 at 6.30pm-7.30pm at Glover Cottages, 124 Kent Street. Keynote speaker will be Professor Johannes Chan SC, who has appeared in a number of cases on constitutional law and human rights. For more information, or to register, click here.
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