2018 Constitutional Law Conference and Dinner

Registrations are now open for the Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law 2018 Constitutional Law Conference and Dinner, to be held at the Art Gallery of New South Wales on Friday, 23 February 2018.
Justin Gleeson SC will be delivering the morning keynote paper on the High Court in constitutional law in 2017 and the guest speaker for the Conference Dinner at NSW Parliament House will be the Hon Wayne Martin AC, Chief Justice of Western Australia. The dinner is hosted by NSW Attorney-General, the Hon Mark Speakman, SC MP.
The conference will cover a range of important cases and contemporary topics including the s 44 parliamentary disqualification cases, the same sex marriage postal survey case and last the political communication decision in Brown v Tasmania.
Full details of the program will be released shortly but if you are keen to register now, there is an early-bird conference registration rate of $415, if you register for the conference by 15 December 2017. The cost of the dinner is $115. To register, please see ‘Upcoming Events’ at www.gtcentre.unsw.edu.au. If you have any questions, please email gtcentre@unsw.edu.au or contact the Centre on (02) 9385 2257. For registrations received after 15 December 2017 the cost of the event is $465 for the conference.
Following the conference, at 5.15 pm adjacent to the conference theatre, there will be a book launch by the Hon Justice Stephen Gageler AC of Australian Constitutional Values (Hart Publishing, 2018) edited by Rosalind Dixon. Registration for the book launch is free and available at https://australianconstitutionalvalues.eventbrite.com.au.
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