Coming up in CPD in November


Monday, November 06 2017: 'A white coat view of black robe health'

Presented by Professor Matthew Large, School of Psychiatry, UNSW, and chaired by Arthur Moses SC. For full details please download a flyer here.

Thursday, November 09 2017:_ The 2017 Annual Plunkett Lecture - “John Hubert Plunkett QC and the Myall Creek murder trials”_

Mark Tedeschi AM QC will deliver the Annual Plunkett Lecture on 9 November 2017 at 5.15pm in the NSW Bar Association Common Room, to be chaired by the Attorney General, the Honourable Mark Speakman SC. Mr Tedeschi is the Senior Crown Prosecutor in New South Wales and the author of ‘Murder at Myall Creek: The Trial that Defined a Nation’, published by Simon & Schuster in 2016. Mr Tedeschi will deliver a lecture titled ‘John Hubert Plunkett QC and the Myall Creek murder trials.’

Wednesday, November 22 2017: 'David and Goliath: A talk on the Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation v Andrew Forrest’s Fortescue Metals Group'

Presented by Vance Hughston SC and Tina Jowett. Chaired by Stephen Lloyd SC. For full details please download a flyer here.

Tuesday,November 28 2017:_ 'What are the functions of the Judicial Commission in dealing with the conduct of judges'_

Presented by Ernest Schmatt, Chief Executive, Judicial Commission of New South Wales. More details to follow.

All seminars will commence at 5.15 pm in the Bar Association Common Room, unless otherwise noted.

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