Queens Square will remain closed until 'at least 14 November'


The Law Courts at Queens Square will be closed to the judiciary, the profession and the public until at least 14 November 2017. This is as a result of a burst water pipe between levels six and seven, and the consequential damage.

The building closure will enable necessary repairs and testing to the hydraulic system to be carried out as well as structural repairs to the roof on level 3 (the public foyer).

The Court regrets the unavoidable inconvenience which will be caused. However, it is hoped that the Court will be able to dispose of the matters listed utilising its King Street, Hospital Road and Darlinghurst courts as well as courts previously occupied by the Industrial Relations Commission and courts generously made available by the Land and Environment Court.

Practitioners and members of the public are urged to consult the Court’s website to see where cases are listed. Limited registry services will be available to the public, as listed in the message on 1 November. Practitioners, however, are urged to utilise the Court’s electronic filing system wherever possible.

For the latest information, visit the Supreme Court's website.

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