Positions vacant at QCAT

Promoted by QCAT
The Honourable Yvette D’Ath, Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister for Training and Skills, is seeking to appoint two Senior Members, two Ordinary Members, and one part-time Adjudicator of the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT).
QCAT is an independent statutory body established to actively resolve disputes in a way that is fair, just, informal and quick. QCAT operates across three divisions, Human Rights, Civil Disputes and Administrative and Disciplinary and has an internal Appeals Tribunal. Members and Adjudicators are appointed for a period of up to five years by the Governor in Council on the recommendation of the Attorney-General.
Expressions of interest are sought from lawyers and other persons from diverse backgrounds with a high level of integrity, proven legal skills or specialist knowledge, sound judgment and excellent communication skills. Mediation skills are desirable. QCAT is committed to technological innovation to ensure accessibility for all tribunal users. A commitment to the use of technology will be viewed favourably.
Senior Members
Senior Members each head and case manage a Division and the Appeals List. They hear the complex matters within their Divisions and Appeals. They provide assistance and advice to the President and Deputy President, including about the allocation of members and tribunal procedures. The Senior Members perform a significant leadership role, including managing the Members and Adjudicators. Each Senior Member is assisted by an Associate.
Ordinary Members
Ordinary Members hear and decide matters within the Tribunal across a number of different divisions, depending on their particular expertise. Ordinary Members also conduct compulsory conferences.
Adjudicators are responsible for hearing minor civil disputes and other less complex or non-contentious matters.
A comprehensive information pack including selection criteria and application and appointment requirements can be obtained online at QCAT.qld.gov.au.
For further information contact David Reynolds or Sarah Vermeiren on 07 3023 1000. Applications together with required documentation must be lodged with Davidson Executive & Boards at executivejobs@davidsonwp.com quoting JO-1709-85539 on or before midnight (AEST) 19th November 2017.
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