Federal Court of Australia – NSW Registry – Closure of Law Courts at Queens Square – Update


The Law Courts at Queens Square will remain closed to the judiciary, the profession and the public until at least 14 November 2017. The following provides an update on the arrangements for Federal Court matters listed between 9 and 14 November 2017 and the temporary registry.

Where feasible the Court has made alternative arrangements for matters listed between 9 and 14 November 2017 to proceed in different locations such as the Lionel Bowen Building. Parties will be advised, via email, the new venue information as soon as it is known and should also check the daily court list on the Court’s website to see where matters are listed. For matters that cannot be accommodated during this period, the judges’ chambers will contact parties to advise the listing will not proceed.

It is envisaged that matters listed from 15 November 2017 will proceed as listed, unless parties are advised otherwise by the judges’ chambers.

A temporary Federal Court NSW Registry has been set up at the Family Court of Australia Registry, Lionel Bowen Building, Gnd Floor, 97-99 Goulburn Street, Sydney for paper filings and enquiries. Practitioners are urged to utilise the Court’s electronic filing system and if parties have a query for the NSW Registry, please email nswdr@fedcourt.gov.au or alternatively call (02) 9230 8567. In relation to exhibits, they will only be available for inspection where the exhibit has been digitally produced.

The Court regrets this unavoidable inconvenience and will provide ongoing updates.

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