ABA committee membership: expressions of interest

The Australian Bar Association draws upon the experience and knowledge from its members to effectively represent the profession and advance public debate on law reform and legal policy issues. The ABA's committees are comprised of members from the Association's constituent bodies.
The ABA annually reviews the need for the committees, the role of those committees and their membership.ABA members who wish to be considered for appointment to a committee on the attached list should complete the form showing the committees for which they wish to be considered.
Members should restrict their choice of committees to no more than two.
Existing members of committees who wish to continue on a particular committee should also complete the form.
Expressions of interest will close at 5pm on Tuesday, 30 January 2018.
Acknowledgement of your expression of interest will be emailed to you within 48 hours. If you do not receive an acknowledgement please contact ceo@austbar.asn.au
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