Voidable Transactions in Company Insolvency

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Voidable Transactions in Company Insolvency written by Farid Assaf (Principal Author and Concept Originator), Brett Shields and Hilary Kincaid is a clear, thorough and practical work. This book guides practitioners through the complex voidable transaction provisions of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and the myriad of cases dealing with voidable transactions. Order your copy from the LexisNexis online store.
All aspects of the voidable transaction provisions contained in Part 5.7B of the Corporations Act are discussed in meticulous detail while at the same time maintaining a practical outlook. In addition to chapters on various types of voidable transactions, there are individual chapters specially dedicated to practice and procedure in voidable transaction cases, the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) and cross-border insolvency aspects of voidable transactions.
Complete with checklists and precedents, Voidable Transactions in Company Insolvency is a must for the busy practitioner practising in insolvency law.
- Scholarly and thorough exposition of subject matter
- A single resource with a practical focus designed for the busy practitioner
- Clear, concise and well written
- Practical emphasis with the inclusion of checklists and precedents
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