Yan ga gadjang guygam (travel by sand)
In mid-January 2020, Ian Roberts SC and two others will cycle 800km on sand from Newcastle to Tweed Heads to raise awareness of domestic violence and to raise vital funds for Bunjum Transition House, a facility that provides short term accommodation for Aboriginal women and children trying to escape violent relationships. More information can be found here.
Greenway Chambers is helping to launch the project by hosting a small fundraiser event in chambers on Tuesday 10 December at 5.30pm to raise awareness and to facilitate donations. Tony McAvoy SC from Frederick Jordan Chambers will attend in his capacity as Head of the NSW Bar Association’s First Nations Committee. Aunty Nancy from Bunjum will also join us.
To support this initiative please join us at Greenway Chambers, level 10, 99 Elizabeth Street on Tuesday 10 December from 5:30pm.
Please register here.
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