Changes to NSW Bar Examination


From 2025, the NSW Bar Examination will move to an open book format. Candidates will be permitted to bring into the exam any hard copy materials they choose; marked, tabbed, highlighted, annotated or organised as they see fit. Soft copy materials will not be permitted.

This change is intended to:

  • better reflect the ordinary practice of a barrister;

  • discourage rote memorisation;

  • encourage greater critical thinking and deeper learning;

  • reduce unnecessary anxiety among candidates; and

  • reduce the administrative burden on NSWBA staff being required to check examination materials.

The examinations themselves will otherwise retain their current format, being two 2-hour exams, one related to civil proceedings and the other related to criminal proceedings, with each exam testing material related to procedure, evidence and ethics.

From November 2024, the NSWBA will also offer open lectures and in-person tutorials, to be held in the 4-week period following the opening of registration for the exam. Lectures will be conducted in the NSWBA Common Room and will be open to the general public, including registered candidates and unregistered persons. The lectures will also be recorded and made available online. Tutorials held during this period will similarly be public and open to both registered and unregistered persons. The reading list for the examinations will also be made available online before registration closes.

In the 4-week period leading up to the Bar Examinations, the NSWBA will also offer a second set of in-person tutorials. These tutorials are intended to provide more focused learning, and will be open to registered candidates only.

The NSWBA does not endorse examination-preparation courses provided by other organisations. For more information, please visit our website:

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