Early bird registrations closing for the Orange CPD Conference this Friday


Early bird registrations for the Orange CPD Conference at the discounted price will close on Friday 24 February. You can still register by phone (02 9232 4919) after this date at the normal price.

The Orange Conference will run from 9:00am - 4:40pm on Saturday, 4 March and 9:00am to 1:00pm on Sunday, 5 March. February. Full attendance over the two days attracts 10 CPD points. In 2017 the Orange CPD Conference is open to NSW Barristers only. Speakers include: - The Hon Justice J Stevenson - Peter Callaghan SC - Ian Coleman SC - Michael Hall SC - Andrew Stone SC - Susan Philips - Dr James Renwick

Download the full program here - 2017 Orange Conference

The conference is run by registration only and places in this conference are strictly limited. To register and pay to secure your place with discounted early bird pricing please click here

For any questions about CPD requirements, conferences or the general CPD program, please contact the Professional Development Department (9232 4919 or cpd@nswbar.asn.au).

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