Have you got your ticket to this year’s Bench and Bar Dinner?

The president and the Bar Council have the pleasure of inviting all members of the New South Wales Bar Association to the 2017 Bench & Bar Dinner. The dinner will take place on Friday, 5 May in the Ballroom of the Hyatt Regency Sydney at 7.00pm for 7.30pm. The guest of honour is the Hon Patricia Bergin SC. Two seniors will be speaking at this year’s Bench & Bar Dinner, Ms Senior is Michelle Painter SC and Mr Senior is Robert Newlinds SC.
Seating at the dinner will be allocated on a first-in basis. Tables of 10 are preferred, however you may sit up to 12 (Tables of 12 are strictly limited). Smaller bookings will also be accepted. For more details and to book please click the following link: 2017 Bench & Bar Dinner. For further details on how to book please refer to the FAQ page on the website.
If you have any questions about the 2017 Bench & Bar Dinner, please contact Erika Childs on 9232 4055 or email echilds@nswbar.asn.au
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