Opportunity for Diverse law graduates


The New South Wales Bar Association and the Trustees of the Indigenous Barristers Trust The Mum Shirl Fund are proud to announce two Graduate Fellowship opportunities that will commence in 2022.

The Fellowships will support two law graduates from diverse backgrounds, at least one of which will be a First Nations person, to complete the work experience component of their Practical Legal Training within the Association's Legal Assistance Department.

Each Fellow will have the opportunity to work under supervision on a variety of criminal and civil matters that are referred for pro bono assistance through the Legal Assistance Referral Scheme. They will also regularly attend the Downing Centre Local Court to observe and assist with the Duty Barrister Scheme.

The advertisement for the First Nations position can be accessed here. The advertisement for the Diverse Graduate position can be found here. Members are encouraged to circulate this amongst relevant networks.

Applications are open until 5 November 2021.

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