NBC presents Bar Trivia Quiz (Online) on Thursday 16 December 2021


The New Barristers Committee invites you to the NBC Bar Trivia Quiz 2021, to be held via Zoom at 5pm-6:30pm on Thursday 16 December 2021.

The invitation is open to all Barristers, Clerks, associates of the Bar wanting to quench their thirst for the quizzical!

The Trivia event will be run via Zoom and teams can appear from one physical location together or as individuals. Using the magic of breakout rooms, we will separate the teams so even if you’re not all physically together, you can nut out the answers together!

Teams will be awarded extra points if they include members from more than one floor and a mixture of under-5s and other Barristers or Clerks.

Teams will compete for the title of 'Quizmasters of the Universe in General and of the Bar of New South Wales in Particular', and for a small prize.

Join your hosts, Emily C. 'Quizclose Trust' Graham and David J. 'Quizatz Haderach' Townsend, for what will surely be a clash of the titans of truly trivial proportions.

Get hunting for team mates now and put the 'learnèd' in 'learnèd friend' to the test! Register your team here:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. We will then ask you for details about your team details.

Any questions about the event, please contact Emily Graham at egraham@chambers.net.au or David Townsend at djtownsend@wentworthchambers.com.au

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