The UCD Law Review is seeking submissions for Volume 22


Early bird deadline: 21st January 2022

Final deadline for submission: 18th March 2022

The UCD Law Review is among Ireland’s leading student-run peer-reviewed legal journals. The Review seeks to publish, on an annual basis, a comprehensive and distinguished journal of legal scholarship. Our Review is internationally recognised, providing significant contributions to legal understanding and debate. Our academic advisory board consists of the members of the law faculty in the Sutherland School of Law, University College Dublin which is Ireland’s top ranked law school in the QS World University Rankings.

The Board welcomes contributions on a broad range of contemporary legal issues, in particular articles pertaining to Irish and European law; however, articles relating to the wider concepts of International law are also welcomed. Additionally, a prize of  €500 will be awarded to the author of the most outstanding article. The criteria selectors will have regard to in evaluating an article include its originality, topicality, strength of argument, structure and style.

Submissions for the 22nd Volume are to be submitted in word format to and should range in length between 5000 and 10,000 words (excluding footnotes). Similar to previous volumes, there will be two deadlines for submissions.

Our early bird submissions deadline is on the 21st of January 2022. At the discretion of the Board, articles received by this date could be accepted for submission at an earlier stage than otherwise normally would be done. The final deadline for all submissions is the 18th of March 2022; however, the Board is willing to allow for reasonable extensions beyond this date upon receiving prior notice.

Book reviews of a maximum of 1000 words (excluding footnotes) will also be considered for publication. The book reviewed must have been recently published and be written by an academic, practitioner or commentator who has expertise in legal matters.

Please note, the selection process is entirely anonymous so please do not include any indications of identity in the article or book review.

Further details, including information on submissions and the editorial process, may be found at

This year the Board is also delighted to announce that the UCD Law Review will consider publishing letters on its website. Letters could address an evolving legal issue, a recently reported case or an area of the law considered to benefit from potential reform. Letters should be addressed to the Letters Editor and sent to Letters should range from between 1000-1500 words (excluding footnotes).

We look forward to reading your submissions. Thank you.

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