Five appointments to the Local Court


Three additional magistrates have been appointed to the Local Court of NSW, in the first stage of a $56.1 million investment to strengthen the state's busiest court to deliver more efficient justice across the state. Attorney General Mark Speakman SC MP said the appointment of two deputy chief magistrates, one to provide leadership on domestic violence matters, will help further reinforce the Local Court's role as the backbone of NSW's justice system.

Magistrates Sharon Freund and Theo Tsavdaridis will commence as deputy chief magistrates on 17 December. Magistrate Freund replaces former deputy chief magistrate Jane Mottley, who is now Senior Judge of the Drug Court, and will have a specific focus on domestic violence cases. Magistrate Theo Tsavdaridis’ appointment will boost the number of deputy chief magistrates to three.

Mr Speakman also welcomed new magistrates Emma Manea, Catherine Samuels and Stephen Barlow. Mr Barlow will become a magistrate on 17 January, Ms Manea on 1 February and Ms Samuels 2 February.

The full media release is available here.

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