Tonight: The Administrative Trappings of Barristers


Safe Place tonight

At this time of the year, a lot of barristers are busy satisfying their CPD requirements and submitting their tax as deadlines loom at end of March.

Practical and efficient administrative skills are vital to a healthy practice at the Bar. But how many of us have good systems in place that we stick to? Is keeping on top of the “admin” something that brings you stress and anxiety? How do you deal with managing to keep on top of administrative matters? Have you got some tips for how to get on top of administrative hurdles? What systems do you use? Do you delegate some of this work?

Safe Place is a confidential discussion group that takes place every two weeks. All participants are admitted to a Zoom webinar anonymously. You can:

  • choose to identify yourself and speak;
  • speak without providing your name; or
  • listen, with other participants not knowing you are there.

The next Safe Place will take place on Friday, 25 February 2022 at 5.00pm

Please register here.

Should you have any questions about the webinar, please contact

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