Judges wanted for UNSW Private Law Moot 2022

The University of NSW Law Society invites members to volunteer as judges for the upcoming UNSW Private Law Moot 2022 on Saturday, 21 May to Tuesday, 24 May.
Moot judging is a valuable way to support budding advocates and to foster connections between emerging lawyers and the Bar. It also provides an opportunity for barrister judges to obtain CPD units. To emphasise this point, the Wellbeing Committee organised a CPD webinar titled The Benefits of Judging Moots, to provide an overview of the moot competitions that the NSW Bar assists with and what is involved in judging a moot. A panel of mooters, former mooters and experienced moot judges provided practical tips for judging moots and supporting mooters' advocacy skills.
The preliminary rounds will be held on Saturday, 21 May and Sunday, 22 May. There are four time slots on each day. Please complete a registration form, and indicate which time slots are best suited to you. All times are given according to the AEST timezone.
If you have any questions, please contact the Competition convenors, Michelle Jiang, Jacqueline Peiser-Oliver and Sianne Tsandidis at privatelawmoot@unsw.edu.au.
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