Bar Book Club does The Big Switch

According to the IPCC, humanity has roughly 1000 days in which global greenhouse gas emissions must peak in order for them to be halved by 2030. As EU vice-president Frans Timmermans said at COP26 last year: "If we fail [my one-year-old grandson] will fight with other human beings for water and food. That’s the stark reality we face. So 1.5C is about avoiding a future for our children and grandchildren that is unliveable." What is to be done?
In The Big Switch, Australian clean technology engineer Saul Griffith lays out a detailed plan for de-carbonising our economy. You can learn more about Saul and his plan here and here. The Bar Book Club will meet to discuss it on Wednesday, 3 August at 5.30pm in the boardroom of Level 22 Chambers, 52 Martin Place.
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The Bar Book Club is an initiative of the Wellbeing Committee, which has a charter to encourage barristers to live a balanced and healthy lifestyle. It facilitates organised sporting, social and recreational activities. If you have an idea to promote wellbeing, or would like more information about their initiatives, contact the Wellbeing Committee for more information:
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