Chief Magistrates Memorandum No. 28 – COVID-19

Practice Support
The Chief Magistrate has released the Chief Magistrates Memorandum No. 28 and it will commence on Monday, 4 July 2022. The Local Court advises that the new memorandum has fewer restrictions than its predecessor and marks a cautious step towards returning to normal operations.
Read the memorandum here.
Court Security Act Order Expiry
Please note that on Monday, 4 July 2022 at 5pm the current Court Security Act Order will expire. There are currently no plans to renew the Order. The expiry of the Court Security Act Order will have the practical effect that Sheriff’s Officers will no longer enforce mask use and social distancing at the Local Court. Neither will Sherriff’s Officers be checking if court users have ‘a legitimate reason associated with a particular matter’ before the person is granted access. Magistrates will retain the power to direct mask-use in their courtrooms. The Chief Magistrate may issue a further Court Security Act Order, at short notice, should the need arise in the future.
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